Creed is a North American band grunge formed in 1995 in the Tallahassee city. After in such a way touching in local bars, the band it decided that it was in the hour to record a record. ' ' My Own Prison' ' it was launched in the year of 1997 and had its production defrayed for the proper members of the band and its relatives. Thanks to this ousadia of the Creed, them they had obtained a contract with a recorder. Since in less of one week the independent album it vendeu about 5000 copies. Recorder Wind-Up Records was made an impression and relaunched the COMPACT DISC, now reconstructed digitally. In one turn North American the band emplacou in first place musics ' ' Torn' ' , ' ' My Own Prison' ' , ' ' What' s This Life For' ' ' ' One' '. Musics of the Creed contained thematic a dramatical one, arriving even though to be depressive at some moments, therefore perhaps called the attention as many young.
With the success, ' ' Human Clay' ' , as the album left in the year of 1999, two years after the first one. Plus a commercial success of the Creed, ' ' Human Clay' ' it earned diverse prizes and are considered by good part of the fans optimum album of the band. Some musics emplacaram in some countries of the world, however ' was single; ' With Arms Wide Open' ' that it obtained to conquer the Grammy of ' ' Better Song of Rock' '. After a success album, it is always difficult to launch the next one. In 2001, the Creed showed that its success was not sudden and brought wonderful ' ' Weathered' '. The band considers this, its better album.
She is not difficult to understand the reason, since it contains the classic greater of the band. ' ' My Sacrifice' ' , its main hit, still today is touched in the whole world radios. The last album of the Creed, ' ' Full Circle' ' it was launched in the year of 2009. Although to have done success, nor if it approaches to the previous record. If you like the band, you use to advantage to confer the letters of musics of the Creed in the site ' ' Which is the letter of msica' ' , a site repleto of letters of musics. Thus you can leave singing without none sacrifice.