When she procurers on one the largest construction companies, I was surprised by the fact that virtually the entire staff of the supply department categorically did not want to use the Internet to simplify their work. Of course, the team was already aged, and the supply of building materials lay in the monotonous and tedious 'Friends' of firms and firmochek. As a rule, or dictated, or dumped by fax list necessary materials, began the long wait of business proposals, accounts, replacements and so on. As a result, progress is slow, but this has long been accustomed to. For example, it was considered normal spend three days on receipt of invoice from steeltrading firm, and by then only ten common items This is despite the fact that the department had a very fast and not limited to the Internet channel, the computer each employee, the mass 'svodobnogo' time I immediately began to enjoy the most popular building directories.
There are many, such as magazine 'Construction', Journal of the network construction, and other, not to be intrusive, I will not publish the list. But those wonderful catalogs one can find in the same Yandex. What turned out to be just as good online directories? First, of course, the relevance of information. Self-respecting traders have maintained information in their profiles in these directories. Secondly, the wealth of choices. All new traders place best deals primarily in online directories. Oh, and thirdly – the convenience and speed of information retrieval. Literally a couple of minutes you can make a sample of interest to the goods or services, to sort the results by region, get a list of phone numbers and email addresses.
Yet it should be noted that many Internet directories construction materials offered a job with the tender announced and applications. To post information about their proposals or needs, is usually enough to pass a simple registration procedure. Placing bids can quickly select the most advantageous proposal. Thus, the proper use of thematic catalogs of goods and services greatly simplify the work of purchasing managers, as well as create new prospects for sales for traders.