Most of the time, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) operate in idle mode and the battery is switched on only when off the network 220, which is rare. For this reason, the battery is stagnant and loses emkost.Chtoby this does not happen, we must periodically – every 3 months the battery is discharged and then .Kak do this? Enable ups without power and give him a work-load to full out the battery. Then insert it into the net, disconnect all loads and hold in this state 12-24 hours. But what if ups can not withstand network outages? If the warranty has passed, you can try to restore the battery as follows. Need to disconnect the ups from the network and all loads, carefully taken apart and get the battery.
Now we need a car charger to control charging current and the light on 12 and 1amper, we have 12 candles. Connect the bulb to the battery and let burn until quenched. Then connect avtozaryadku and install the current charge 2 ampera.Cherez 12:00 to again discharge the battery charge lamp and again. If the terminal voltage of 14.2 in the no-load, then the battery is charged and may be used, if not – try to do one more cycle discharge-charge. If the battery is less than 2 years, then everything should work out.