Sir Winston Churchill promised to their fellow citizens during the war blood, sweat and tears. As a result, the United Kingdom survived the nazi aggression, but his compatriots not forgave it is and five years later preferred in the polls to his labour rival, Clement Attlee. And it is uncomfortable to all the bad news, even if they are certain. Three-quarters of a century later it was about to repeat history with David Cameron, when today British Prime Minister wore a loose lead in the polls to Gordon Brown and anticipated that govern it should make social cuts. He never replied for the subsequent electoral slump and now has to govern in an unstable coalition with the liberal-democratas of Nick Clegg. Politicians have learned the lesson and why promise gold and moro forgive me wrong expression although both are unattainable.
Even Mariano Rajoy, who knows that if he wins the elections should impose stiff austerity measures, draws this weekend in Seville a scene almost idyllic if it comes to govern, in order not to lose even one only votes that are fleeing mass of the PSOE. It is not surprising, therefore, that despite the existing economic data Vice President Gerardo Camps say that increasingly we are better; the worst has already passed. In that it literally follows in the wake of Rodriguez Zapatero who, after having repeatedly refused to acknowledge its existence, said in April 2009 that it is probable that the worst of the economic crisis has already passed. As already seen. No analyst thinks that the Spanish economy will create employment in the coming five years; and that, in the case of a slight growth of GDP.
In the Valencian Community, that data should add has the highest debt of 17 autonomous communities, with a few pressing maturities of payment. Despite this, our rulers preached optimism. And is that, in the absence of actual facts that comfort us, announce that everything is going better, to see if this will consume more and we alone who have get them the chestnuts of the fire. But, of course, they do not recognize their guilt. When the occupation grew, Rodriguez Zapatero attributed the merit, and as soon as unemployment gushed it blamed the global economic crisis. Francisco Camps used the same tactic: always promises to create employment and to not get the dead load to the central Government. As a final check that the blame is yours yesterday had the dialectical scuffle between hint Gerardo Camps and the Government delegate, Ana Botella. While political parties are still opposing because Yes to any initiative of its rivals, when announced dialogue between Francisco Camps and Jorge Alarte? Why don’t they explain to us ones and others, for example, the pros and cons of offshore oil drilling in the Valencian coast? Both have harmed yours to tourism in Dubai or Abu Dhabi? And what about nuclear Zarra cemetery? How mounted it, in his case, France or Germany? Instead, therefore, deal with the problems, our politicians prefer to practise the confrontation between them, always, tucked that Yes, senseless optimistic doors outside, convinced that everything will go better if they do not do anything, even if it destroyed the job prospects of an entire generation.