The period of preparation for a marriage, that if perspective with great probabilities of success, is not depleted in the set of rules, practical values and, finished to enunciate. They are, only, some suggestions, between many other possible e, eventually, better how much to its effectiveness. In the truth prescriptions or formulas for the happiness do not exist, nor for the absolutely successful marriage, to the level of the incorporeal values. The happiness and all the success associated it, in the marriage, is constructed throughout the marriage life, is as, metaforicamente analyzed, to frequentar a course, during all the life and, moment the moment, to have a continuous evaluation with some instruments of measure. So that the course that if goes to frequentar and if can conclude with success, here assigned for marriage, it is therefore, essential that the preparation is efectuada with severity, with seriousness and determination. In the wise words of Pious IX, led back to the context of its time: ' ' Great care must be put in the choice of the spouse. On this choice the happy result of the marriage depends, rank that necessarily this spouse have-of being for the other a great aid, in the Christian fulfilment of the duties of the marriage life, or a power an obstacle for this fulfilment. Therefore, in order not to have that to lament hardly all the life sad results of a done choice slightly is necessary that the ones that they desire to contract matrimnio they wise deliberate on the choice of the person which if goes to join if