In this embryonic project, it existed a regimen of half mutualidadepor of which the population if associated and contributes all by means of quotas for acobertura of risks by means of the division of the incubencies with the group. 9 In the republican Constitution of 1891, was registered pelaprimeira time the expression ' ' aposentadoria' ' , which only could serconcedida to the public officers in the cases of invalidity in the installment deservios to the country. At this time, it did not have no source of contribution to parafinanciar the value of the benefits. 10 the initial landmark of the providence in Brazil came with the Decreton 4.682 of 24 of January of 1923, 11 being called ' Law Eloy Chaves'. In it, it was created the Box of Retirement and Pensions for the employees of the empresasferrovirias, giving to these the right to the medical assistance, pensions eaposentadoria. In the decade of thirty the first deAposentadorias Justinian codes and Penses (IAP) regulated by the State had appeared.
12 They possuam bigger umaabrangncia in relation to the professional categories, a time that seumbito innovator was national. Its main purpose was to guarantee aoaposentado or to the pensioner a remuneration adjusted for the inactivity epenso for its dependents. Later, with the unification of the previdnciasocial and the beginning of the installment of the medical assistance, the covering was estendidaa all the workers with signed wallet. In the Constitution of 1934, the use appears of termo' previdncia' for the first time. In it if it guaranteed the esanitria medical assistance to the worker and the institution of the providence in favor of oldness, dainvalidez, of the maternity and in the cases of death or industrial accidents; Constituio of 1937 assured the assistenciais rights of the Constitution de1934, without, however, mentioning the expenditure and the contribution of the Union. 13 OGoverno de Getlio Vargas was the first one to promote naesfera regulating an action social, organizing the work market.