Indispensable factor today is that the success of the enterprise in many ways provide employees who work on it. For this reason, modern concept of enterprise management involves the allocation of a large number of functional areas of management activities that related to the management of the personnel component of production – plant personnel. Thus, the American economist JK Galbraith said: "The process of production increasingly depends on the quality rather than quantity of capital equipment, the intellect and the arts who uses this equipment. In other words we are talking about the activities of managers, engineers, scientists and workers "1, p. 50-59.
Today, in developed countries, a significant part of the staff (at least 40% of the workforce) are knowledge workers. By the beginning of this Ages over 60% of top executives of 500 largest U.S. companies had a doctoral degree (half of them – in the economic or legal sciences) 2. Thus, a worker today – not just a performer, a strategic resource companies, the basis of its competitiveness. Accordingly, personnel management becomes a priority area in the overall system management. The task of a technical college in modern conditions is training is not only competent specialist and manager, and engineer, capable of reproducing itself, technical and social innovation in a rapidly changing external environment. The objectives of universities – to prepare a new quality specialists. At the same time it should be noted that the economic, technological and social spheres, the control system are changing so fast and big, that high school science and practice of teaching often forced to operate in the catch-up mode.
Factor Three. The imposition of time-series of adverse factors, which are already in the short term will have negative consequences for higher vocational education in the country. This "demographic hole", the aging of the teaching staff of universities, lack of motivation to work high school teachers, which inhibits the influx of young and advanced training in higher education, disproportionate to the tasks of higher education state funding of the latter, the low purchasing power, coupled with weak investment capacity enterprises with regard to research and development.