To take care of the mark not this related to the positioning Web, neither with the Pagerank, nor with numbers of this type. Nevertheless, always it is necessary to know what our mark or Web site is said of in the social networks, the vestibules of the news, the forums of users, and the communities online generally. This is thus because having an early control we will be able to deactivate very easily any threat to our reputation online and our efforts of promotion in Internet, and we will be able to revert associations that can settle down enters key words difamatorias and our Web site probably would not please to him that the anchor text terrible service is tie its URL in several sites of the Web. By this, we must use some tools of control that will help us to have a clear idea of how many times we have been mentioned, by whom, and if the commentary or mention has been favorable or no. Alerta de Google creates.

They are very easy to create, and this way one will make sure that all the news collected by Google related to the terms that you have selected arrive to him at their post-office box. It goes to and simply it creates one with alert with his mark or Web site so that it warns to him of each mention that becomes to anyone of them. From this page it is possible to look for of simultaneous form mentions in Blogger, Digg, FriendFeed, Stumbleupon and Another similar service is. With this tool it will be possible to track mentions in commentaries of posts, posteos of blogs, and mentions in sites like Flickr and Digg. Worried about possible mentions in discussion forums? With the doubt on if can remove it has been mentioned, and how.