Prejudices and why you should disregard these energy-saving lamps are economical and good for the environment. Still, many people still have old prejudices against energy-saving lamps are deterred. To what extent they still endure and why you should not lump-sum reject the use of energy-saving lamps. The technology of the energy-saving lamp has a long way behind. And the first models of energy-saving lamps had still some shortcomings.
If you turned on the energy-saving lamps, it took up to a minute, until the light was so bright that it could light up the room. Nowadays, these deficiencies are past. To further curb just this prejudice, many manufacturers concentrate on the development of quick start energy-saving lamps, which are light at the exact same speed as conventional incandescent lamps. Another well-tried prejudice, where actually anyone really clear how it came about and how it can continue to exist, is that CFLs would save no energy. Far from it: One normal energy saving lamp saves approximately 80% of the energy that would consume an equivalent incandescent lamp.
If one expects from this sum for each single lamp in the House, that energy-saving bulbs have still a very clear potential for savings and not already have been replaced by the LED lamps soon becomes clear. Also the mercury content of CFLs is always in the focus of the discussion. Low energy light bulbs contain mercury, which is however well closed in the lamp in fact. That the mercury actually comes out, a chance so already even then only if the lamp should break. And that should never happen when properly used. Still, the mercury content is negligible, it is located at around 3 milligrams. Last, also the light color is always back in the criticism. Energy-saving bulbs have supposedly just Flash and unpleasant light. But in truth almost all manufacturers already offer energy-saving lamps in different light colors, from warm white to daylight bright. There you should slowly silenced most critics. Upon examination of the prejudices you can see very clearly: energy-saving bulbs can do much more than you think. Therefore you shouldn’t give them a chance and surprised by their savings. Only in this way can be achieved long-term success for the environment and your own wallet.