Consequently, due to the high demand for many services of our Community Fire to perform Course Method Chest, directly affecting the establishment and operational maintenance of the necessary and essential Canine Rescue Units, which would require the Department of Government, through the ESPA, is involved in the knowledge of the Method Drive Chest in all instances related to the rescue in both domestic and international disasters, especially in programs of cooperation set Andalusia. After studying the report submitted by the Directorate General on the matter and the allegations raised by the interested party recently, coinciding with the preparation of this Annual Report, in accordance with Art. 29.1 of the Act 9 / 1983 of 1 December, the Ombudsman of Andalusia, we decided to make the one to “Tip administrative organ in the sense of having the competent organs of the Ministry, is adopted as soon as possible initiative rules proposed for processing and approval in due form, for the approval referred to in the proceedings. This as stated in Art. 37.

j) k) of the Law 2 / 2002 of November 11, Emergency Management of Andalusia and the Statute of Autonomy for Andalusia. And, according to the resolution adopted by the Parliament of Andalucia for the non-legislative proposal relating to approval of Chest Method for training rescue dog units (BOPA No.. 378 Andalusia, 15 February 2006 Page No.. 21 243). At the time of preparing this Annual Report we have not received a reply on whether to accept the suggestion, reason why it will realize the outcome of our actions in the coming year. a Sources:, Andalucia24horas.TeletipoSurAgencia News Andalucia, official Web Andalusian Ombudsman. Jaime Parejo Garcia, Firefighter, Seville (Spain), scientific research on learning and search dog’s behavior is also considered an expert and instructor at prestigious international specialty canine rescue in disasters, awarded by examples with the First Prize for Research by the Royal Canine Society of Spain 1998 or Certificate of Distinction Award by the United Nations Sasakawa in 2005, recognizes the important global research and international teaching and scientific progress Chest Method for the reduction of disaster victims, in both cases the first Spanish man who is as relevant grant awards.

To date he has taken part in numerous incidents involving the burial of persons (earthquakes, landslides, explosions, structural failures) in Colombia, Turkey, Taiwan, El Salvador, Spain … conducting search operations in both exterior and interior of a confined space in collapsed structures. Formed, tested and officially certified to date, numerous police officers, firefighters, military … with or without dogs, a total of 17 countries with some seismic risk.