How much to the technological rendering of services and innovation, the Law authorizes to the ICT to give to the public institutions or private services directed to the innovation and the scientific and technological research in the productive environment. In this in case that, the server, the military man or the involved public officer in the rendering of services it will be able to directly receive pecuniary repayment, of the ICT or institution of support with that this has firmed agreement, always under the form of additional 0 variable and since that defrayed exclusively with resources collected in the scope of the contracted activity How much to the establishment of partnerships for the development of products and innovative processes, the Law affirms that it is authorized to the ICT to celebrate agreements of partnership for accomplishment of joint activities of scientific and technological research and development of technology, product or process, with public and private institutions and that the parts will have to foresee, in contract, the title of the copyright and the participation in the results of the exploration of the resultant creations of the partnership. 4. FINAL CONSIDERAES the regulatory landmark for technology transfer of the ICT for the companies are constituted of a set of norms, which, most excellent they are the Brazilian Civil Code, the Law of Industrial Property and the Law of Innovation. The norms, as well as the proper society, are dynamic and must advance in the direction to propitiate optimum environment for the integration between government, university and companies.
In this direction, a joint effort fits (in such a way of the companies, how much of the universities and government) to verify which is the gargalos staff to be loosers and which are the manifestations of resistance to this new way to see these relations. The knowledge cannot more confined being in the academy. It must esparramar itself in the fabric industrial productive and generate new products, processes and for consequence, development for the Country. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES BRAZIL. Law n 10,406, of 10 of January of 2002.
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