In such a way, as Chanlat (1992) only the directed ideas and information the productivity circulate freely in the organization. In this direction, the communication exists, but it is seen in the way missed for the company, where everything is seen as production and time wastefulness. According to Aktouf (1996), the bureaucratic, dominant structure in the majority of the organizations, can be seen as one of the biggest barriers to the comunicacional system. This because the bureaucratization imposes the communication channels and its interlocutors, defining them from the hierarchic level. Another great obstacle to the organizacional communication is the organizacionais structures based on the authority and the normatizao, beyond the excess or of the lack of objetividade in the processes of the organization. The objetividade excess, when the rebuilding of the communication process is tried, causing the reduction of the communicative process to the instrumental reason; the objetividade lack, where if it creates a false democracy, where all is disclosed without arriving at an agreement. Also it can be seen as one strong barrier to the communication, the prevalence of the ideas preset that the collaborators have of the manager, the calls definitive truths, treated for Aktouf (1996, P. 122).
The first one of these truths is the notion of private property, based in the detention of the power and the exercise of domination, natural and instinctive sight as something, when in the truth it is fruit of the social relations. To another truth if it relates to the rights of the head, as: the power, the privileges, the right to use the word in first place, to give orders and if to make to obey, the power of decision.