The Technologies of Information and Communication (TICs), had been to the few enclosing a bigger space in the society and had finished becoming necessary changes also in the education to adjust it its time. Knowing the process that suffered the education in relation to the new technologies in countries as France and United States, educators of some Brazilian universities had felt themselves motivated to also develop applied computer science the education in Brazil. They had passed then to receive in decade of 70, according to Brave (1999), representative educators of these countries in seminaries and conferences, in order to more know a little on the uses of educational computer science in these countries. They had been produced softwares of instruction diverse, however its use was made it difficult for being used computers of great transport, what it restricted its use to the universities. But it was with the proliferation of the microcomputer, that the use of computer science in the education can truily be spread out, used in schools in all the levels of the education in the United States. This fact was given in the decade of 80, in accordance with Brave (1999). In the same period, according to Brito and Purificao (2006), in Brazil they had had beginning governmental projects EDUCOM (Education and Computer), with objective to create research centers on computer science in the education, being formed professional qualified to use software SOON; TO FORM (Course of Specialization in Computer science in the Education), that it formed specialists in the area of computer science for the education, so that these promoted the formation of other professors, becoming then, multipliers; the PRONINFE (National Program of Educative Computer science), that it created laboratories and centers for the formation of professors and the implantation of the CIEDS (Center of Computer science in Education), that among others, it describes the performance of the Ministry of the Education in the area of computer science in the education.