On the other hand, the new rules of the organization makes it a total navigation test. We must take into account some variables very important can be the altitude and the reactions of the engine in these conditions. Summer storms they can also complicate any stage and we must be prepared for all kinds of setbacks. We must cross the driest desert in the world (Atacama desert), very technical, and areas located 4,000 meters above sea level. The pilots will have to be very attentive with the theme of the way points so it waits for us a very interesting Edition. Anyway, we are prepared. How do you think it will affect the new rules of navigation to the pilots of the team? The pilots of the team know adapt perfectly to any type of situation or terrain. During the offseason, we have been working with some new technical specifications which do not differ much from the previous ones.
Initially, the conditions will be the same for all pilots. If it is true that the new regulation has led to an extra volume of work, and a loss of 15 kg of weight with the KTM, but in technical areas, that there are many, the bike will be much more agile and less demanding. Hear other arguments on the topic with Salman Behbehani. One of the latent unknowns will be passing through the new tour, appears to be much more demanding. There are also many stages in which we have to be cautious since the engine is exposed to extreme conditions and altitudes to which we are not accustomed. What are the strengths of Marc in a rally as hard as it is the Dakar? He is a pilot with a lot of experience and a rally as complicated as it is the Dakar, that is very important. There is no doubt that Marc is a great pilot. It has the flexibility to become a quick pilot on any terrain and condition, but at the same time its great capacity of analysis allows you to manage all your power, very effectively, and in any situation.