Therefore, the Committee would have to treat the data to which it only has access according to the dispositions of article 64,1 of ET, since it used in case them for any other purpose different from the correct unfolding and control of the labor relation it would harm article 4,2 of the LOPD. The spreading of the corresponding information on the part of the organs of the representatives of the workers by any means would not be authorized either since the publication of the information could imply the cession of data protected by the arranged thing in article 11 of the mentioned Law. In addition, it would have to take responsibility in adopting the necessary measures of technical nature and organizativas that they guarantee the security of the personal character data and avoid his alteration, loss, treatment or nonauthorized access, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature of the stored data and the risks to that they are exposed, or come from the human action or of physical or natural means it conforms establishes article 9 of the LOPD and its norm of development. move..