Almost always that beginning the first contacts for the service of creation of a page Web for a company do the same question to me, almost traced: I will be able, once the Web is done, to update it and to add information by my same one without having technical knowledge? Briefly, they want to know easy how will be to make changes in Diseo and Posicionamiento Web without needing aid our. What they do not wish is to buy a Web difficult to publish. To pay by a platform of management of contents and that soon must spend many hours in the learning of their use so that, occasionally they must add to an event or supply, announce some event or any other modification that wants. They either do not want to have to only pay a semester or annual quota to the company so that this one updates and publishes the changes to him that need. Companies of Design and Positioning exist at the moment Web that 2000/3000 Euros per year acquire by this service to make updates solely basic periodically. Like owner of a SME that it could do on the matter? The answer to it is doubtlessly, to use Design and Positioning Web with WordPress. To make Design and Positioning Web with WordPress is equal or simpler than to use a program of word processings.
WordPress is a platform of management of contents that initiated its activity in 2003. He was at the time of the great revolution of Blog. It has had an extraordinary evolution in benefits and its use has increased exponentially.