At the moment, perhaps, impossible to imagine an office, great or small, without a local area network. And not only offices, many houses and apartments are connected by local networks. Local area networks for home or office are usually built to connect the Internet of several computers and / or use one printer, fax, scanner and collaborate on documents and data. Thus, setting up a local network can improve productivity. Network usually represents a group of computers connected by wires, for which data is exchanged. However, sometimes it is necessary that a wireless LAN. The wires may be permanently interfere underfoot, in addition to the case of transfer of workplace it is required to hold and move the wires to connect to the network.
If the data disadvantage seriously impair the effectiveness of the work, you can consider using LAN-based technology without wires, one of which is Wi-Fi. Technology Wi-Fi (Wireless-Fidelity) includes three standards, which differ in the range of operating frequencies, and as a consequence – a range of communications and the transmission capacity. Standard 802, 11a operates at 5 GHz with a transmission distance of up to 60 meters and a data transfer rate 54 Mbps. Standard 802. 11b is clocked at 2. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Futurist by clicking through. 4 GHz, with data rates up to 11 Mbps and ranges up to 100 meters, but it is not compatible with Protocol 802. 11a.
Finally, the protocol 802. 11g clocked at 2. 4 GHz with ranges up to 100 meters and speeds up to 54 Mbps (typically 22 Mbps). In any wireless lines that data is transmitted over the air and can be obtained criminals, therefore there is a question of security and encryption. At this point, the following encryption: WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy); WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access); WPA2. WEP is the most common encryption system wireless traffic (Encryption algorithm RC4). At the same encryption creates one or more keys with which and encrypted traffic. However, the biggest drawback of this encryption system is its static nature of WPA encryption is built on the principle of WEP, but generates a dynamic key, which improves the resistance against cracking. But WPA2 most reliable at this time encryption system in which encryption algorithm was changed from RC4 to AES. For additional security, you can use additional encryption systems, such as VPN. Setting up Wi-Fi is not much harder to configure common LAN. You must install an access point and set the system up under the settings of your network. It is only necessary to have some experience working with wireless devices. However, Wi-Fi technology requires increased attention to security settings. Therefore, to make installation and setup Wi-Fi network should only be literate specialist.