Thus being the government it will leave for the private companies between great operators as OI and SKY and small suppliers of Internet the last call mile, taking care of to the final customer. The Telebrs will still have the attribution of ' ' to implement the privative net of communication of the federal public administration and to give support and has supported the politics of connection to the Internet in broad band for university, centers of research, schools, hospitals, ranks of attendance and telecentros comunitrios' ' , as it affirmed the Erenice minister War, head of the Civil House of the presidency of the Republic. Studies of the government point with respect to investments around R$ 6 billion to massificar the access to the broad band, that would be applied in next the four years, being that of this total, R$ 3,5 billion would come of the National Treasure and the R$ 2,5 remaining billion, of the profit of the proper company from the third year of operation. Also already they are foreseen for this year to be invested in the National Plan of Broad band R$ 280 arrived in port million already has two years for the Telebrs. However, it is foreseen to make only one project-pilot for the plan for this year being objectified to take the broad band the 100 cities between them, 17 capitals.
The estimate is of that the services arrive for the consumer at a price of R$ 35. The National Plan of Broad band? PNBL was presented to the press in form of slides counting to all the necessary information. If Internet plan broad band who president Lula launched will be between R$ 15,00 R$ 35,00 as it desires to its government many companies who offer this service will have that to reduce its prices. Between these companies they are the OI, the Embratel, Clearly, the Living creature and those that also offer signature for television channels as Sky and Net. I myself as using of services of television for signature and Internet with certainty I will have to start to be customer of the Telebrs. It has much time that the federal government must have acted of this form. Thus millions of people in all Brazil will only have access to the broad band for accessible prices and the one proven quality.