The TPV or Terminal Point of sale or POS (Point Of Sale) is without a doubt, after the calculator and the recording machine a software tool that has come to solve hundreds of problems of organization in the daily tasks of small industralist and of great organizations who commercialize products. An ample range of Software TPV in the market exists being most competitive those than they support artilujios of hardware like pocket computers, readers of digital, reading of magnetic stripes, reading tracks of touch screen, bar codes. They are also very successful those that are escalbles and allow the synchrony of data between multiple you soothe. A small industralist who begins to use a well administered system of TPV does not need to worry to have to count time and time again products to know that he must ask of each since each product can determine in the system a minimum of existence and just by to print a product report under minimums will obtain a detailed report than it has and than it is necessary in every moment. The Result, saving of precious time. The small industralist wants to analyze as they are the hours in which he sells more like the hours in which less he sells, in addition he wants to know as they are the products that sell more and if it works with several people could interest to know to him who are salesman or salesman stars.
The TPV can become a species of oracle for the small industralist where it can analyze the tendencies of his small company and thus to make decisions. Many are the TPV available in the market although some are only free and multiplatform. The importance of a TPV frees Already the cases of companies are numerous that at the moment that less agrees to them see practically forced to buy new licenses of software being the adjudicating company of the licenses suspended suporte for software previously acquired. A micro-enterprise needs like minimum that is guaranteed to him that accessible data that it generated today will be morning. A company cannot be allowed totally unnecessary expenses being able to enjoy software that it guarantees to him that it happens what always happens will be to its disposition the source code so that this one does not depend on a company for its maintenance but on an increasing community of programmers and users all over the world that works in the development and maintenance of that piece of software. The importance of a TPV frees and multiplatform One tpv multiplatform offers the simple guarantee that the user does not have to depend on a manufacturer of hardware by more infallible than this can seem and it does not need to put in risk the data of his company. The user can change hardware in all the organization if therefore he considers it advisable and without the disadvantage of licenses of software privative that can stop this type of developments retiring the support of software when it migrates to other platforms of hardware. A TPV frees generally is programmed on lenguages multiplatform like java, Perl or php what tpv of portable free software to almost any type of hardware platform does to one. Ejemplode a TPV frees and multiplatform is OPENBRAVO that is in openbravo.