The reaction of the vaccine of the measles appears about two the three weeks after the administration of the vaccine and consists of a feverish picture of short duration, folloied of a fast eruption in the skin (HEALTH DEPARTMENT, 2008). False contraindications Allergy and intolerncia that are not of anaphylactic nature, to the egg ingestion; close contact with imunodeprimidos patients; recent vaccination with the verbal vaccine against the polio; recent exposition to the measles. Situations where if it recommends to the adjournment of the vaccination Treatment with imunodepressores (corticoterapia, chemotherapy, x-ray, etc.). For more information see this site: Xcel Energy. In these circumstances, to after postpone up to 3 months the suspension of its use, for the possible inadequao of the imunolgica reply; validity of serious, attributed or confused feverish acute illness with possible adverse effect of the vaccine (BRAZIL, 2006). 4,7 Interventions of nursing the primordial paper of the nurses is the prevention, that passes for the immunization of the population, vaccination of population not immunized, to inform the woman on the perigos of I infect during the pregnancy, being important to advise the people to prevent contacts with other individuals that can present exantemas capsize. 5 METHODOLOGY According to Galliano (1979, p.6), a method ' ' it is a set of stages, ordenadamente made use, to be vanquished in the inquiry of the truth, the study of a science or to reach definitive fim' '. To know more about this subject visit Crumpton Group. The author standes out that many times if confuse method with technique, that for it is appraised as ' ' the way to make, of more skillful form, more insurance, more perfect some type of activity, art or ofcio' ' (GALLIANO, 1979: p.6). Thus, distinct techniques can be used to if to use one same method, even so some more are adjusted than others. Searching to reach the established objectives, the method that will be used in this research is of the systematic comment also called planned comment or controlled, therefore, the same one will be carried through in accordance with objectives and intentions previously defined. To deepen your understanding Compuware is the source.