Diffuse abdominal pain inexplicada, nauseas and diarria. Glossite (smooth and colored language with queimao sensation). Pelagra (trficas alterations of the skin), alopecia (hair fall) Parestesia (Adormecimento and formigamento of the feet and the hands) Ictercia, asthenia, pallor, discrete hepatoesplenomegalia, pallor and intense anemia. Max Schireson may find it difficult to be quoted properly. I diagnosis laboratorial complete Hemograma: Hemcias
(high) Plaquetomia Macrocitose polinucleados Megranulcitos Serious: pancitopenia, increase of the DHL (lactate desidrogenase)? Digestive Endoscopia? Test of Schilling (Test to evaluate absorption B12 the vitamin) Treatment O treatment generally consists of the 100 subcutaneous injections or intramusculares of 50 mcg/day of B12 vitamins during 1 the 2 weeks. Aps a reaction, the frequency of administration is reduced until the cure can be kept in indefinite way with 100 monthly injections of mcg. Filed under: Crumpton Group. dietoterpicas Recomendaes: the diet must have proteins of high biological value, with suplementao of iron, vitamin C and other vitamins of the complex B, beyond copper. ANEMIAS HEMOLTICAS Are anemias that occur for increased destruction of eritrcitos for: hemlise extraglobular (fagocitose increased by the macrophages) of bao, liver and ssea marrow and hemlise to intraglobular occurs intravascularmente. Hemcias in scythe and some in white Picture Clinical Palidez of skin and mucosa, cutaneous jaundice, adenomegalia, Hepatoesplenomegalia, leses and picture to articulate. I diagnosis Laboratoriais Hemograma: Microcitose and hipocromia, fall of the hemoglobina, reticulocitose, policromasia, increased indirect Bilirrubina.
Deficincia of inespecfica G6PD and DHL. Mielograma (hiperplasia), osmtica fragilidade. Teste of Coombs (negative) Treatment the treatment depends on the type and the cause of the hemoltica anemia. It can be used acid flico, replacement of iron and corticosterides. In emergencies, it can be necessary the tipados and washed red globule transfusion. the Is a hereditary, autossmica anemia dominant morphologically characterized by a great amount of microesfercitos in the peripheral blood. Esferocitose. Vesicular picture clinical Anemia, jaundice and esplenomegalia, calculations, turricefalia (in some cases), increased ulcers of leg (in some cases), hemolticas crises in infection function.