Declaration Ministerial of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations (Bergen 1990), among others. In this context, can quote around the Government’s efforts, in 1972, the first Conference of the Nations United (UN) on the human environment held in Stockholm, Sweden. This Conference was the first initiative towards global environmental control and it settled a series of principles guide to inspire and guide the peoples of the world in the preservation and strengthening of the human environment. In 1987, the World Commission for environment and development, chaired by the first Minister of Norway, Ghro Harlem Brundtland, in its report our common future, stressed the importance of the protection of the environment for the achievement of sustainable development, concept that I will describe later. There is no that on the other hand, forgetting that the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a non-governmental organization established in 1947 to develop global standards, in order to improve communication and international collaboration, and facilitate exchanges of goods and services. The results of the work of the ISO are published as voluntary international standards in international agreements. ISO groups around some 100 national standardisation bodies that represent about 95% of world industrial production.
At its first meeting in 1993, the Technical Committee on environmental management (ISO/TC207) occupied six subcommittees that would be responsible for establishing and developing schemes in areas of environmental management, environmental audit and environmental labelling systems. Presented schemes, up to now, include regulatory guides ranging from principles of environmental management (ISO 14000), environmental (ISO 14001) management systems, guidelines for environmental auditing (ISO 14010), systems for the audit management environmental (ISO 14011) until the Guide for the environmental audit requirements of qualification for Environmental Auditors (ISO 14012). There are many questions that revolve around the certification and registration of environmental management systems, would have to respond for example: you can have a term de facto? Might the cost be prohibitive? Could it be a proliferation of different registration systems? They could be harmonised certain national standards? Could they arrive to convert these into trade barriers? No doubt then that the implications of the ISO 14000 standards on the industry are not to create barriers of exclusion, but to provide security and recognition to the best performance in the industry.