Simply put, sleep mode combines the benefits of hibernation and hibernation, and is much more reliable than the standby mode. Thanks to a new sleep mode (which is the regime in power management by default for all laptops running Vista) system seems off, but runs for only 2 – 3 seconds. If you are permanently leave your laptop in sleep mode, it automatically goes into a state of hibernation before they finished the battery charge. Novelty this regime and its main difference from previous versions is that it really works. Unlike standby Windows xp, Vista hibernation is very reliable. Also, clicking on the button "Power" in the Start menu Vista automatically puts the computer into sleep mode instead of open dialog with the choice of mode power management in Windows xp. Of course, you can configure this button as you like, but user interface for this overly complicated.
Power management and system performance. Since we are discussing sleep, I would like to mention that Windows Vista offers three simple power plan or a power plan. By default on laptops (and sometimes, oddly enough, and desktops) Plan "High performance" is not activated. To understand how to configure your system, move your mouse over the icon power management in the system tray. At the bottom of the pop-up window you'll see information about what power plan you use (available options are "balanced", "Energy Saving" and "High productivity "). To achieve maximum performance (sacrificing battery life, of course), click on the icon and choose Properties from the pop-up window select "high performance" or click on link "more power options" in order to delve into the intricate system of power management Vista.