The others 17 States and the Federal District had generated jobs with wallet signed in the last month. Between the regions metropolitans, Belm only had closing of ranks, with 324 resignations more than what acts of contract. In the region metropolitan of So Paulo, 13 a thousand formal jobs had been created, in Belo Horizonte they had been 4,897, and, in Rio De Janeiro, 4.623.Em result of the behavior of the agricultural activity, had opening of more vacant in the cities of the interior of the Country of what in the regions metropolitans. In the interior, they had been 79,3 a thousand new formal jobs against 34,3 a thousand ranks in the set of the regions metropolitans. Optimum result was in Minas Gerais (32,6 a thousand). Worse it was in the interior of the Rio Grande Do Sul, with 5.623 cuts.Recovery of criseApesar of the improvement, the country not yet obtained to recoup all the formal ranks of work eliminated by the turbulence the International. Country alone recouped part of the closed vacant with the crisis Of the total of 797.515 closed jobs between November and January, 281,759 vacant had been recouped in the four subsequentes months. In May of 2008, they had been created 202,984 ranks of work.
In the gathered of this year, the balance is positive in 180 a thousand jobs, according to Caged.A situation of indstriApesar of the performance of the formal job in May, not yet was of this time that the transformation industry inverted the picture of resignations provoked by the crisis. The sector was practically steady in the period, with surplus of 700 acts of contract. Two branches of the transformation industry, the metallurgist and the mechanic, cause greater concern to the government in relation to its capacity of reaction to the financial crisis and generation of jobs. According to I register in cadastre Generality of Employed and Unemployeds (Caged) of May, the metallurgic industry fired 5,5 a thousand more than what it contracted, while the mechanics had negative balance of 2,9 a thousand.