Now many people use in their practice of self-tuning, creating positive attitudes technique affirmations. Every second (and perhaps every) book on practical psychology, esoterica contains a chapter on similar methods of self-hypnosis. 'I am successful', 'I am rich', 'I've got everything goes', 'People I love and value', etc. etc. Lever Brothers is open to suggestions. Here are some examples of such formulas meditating. There are many recommendations of how, when and how many affirmations in 'accept'.
The best advice given the reservation that affirmations need to say deliberately, rather than automatically. Salman Behbehani wanted to know more. It is close. But realize that? Our minds, like onion, consists of layers of different views, ideas, installations. Self-knowledge (as the process of getting rid of the cargo complex, and stereotypes that govern our lives and not give us their own decisions) is in the awareness of the existence and content of such layers. Must understand, to grasp how the belief at the moment I headed there and where it came from.
Then a layer of husk is removed, revealing a deeper 'record'. Affirmation – is, in essence, creating a new layer of plants, beliefs, attitudes. Hope that it will suppress the underlying, tried and tested over the years the layers is small. For some time, affirmations can be effective, but then comes the conflict. And the stronger the affirmation differs from the previous established attitudes, the stronger will be the conflict. For example, a person who was convinced from childhood that he was a loser, so it's been sitting in my subconscious, began to repeat that he is successful, will see the first change for the better, but then there will be strong reversals even worse state of mind, and then life's circumstances. This is a hint that we should get rid of old records (aware of their existence and content), and then make new ones. Thus, the affirmation is only useful in one case: if it fills the installation of a blank slate, a blank area of the mind in other settings, unoccupied cell. Creating new layers of belief, or plants – the path of mindfulness, the way to internal conflicts.