Professional or modular? How to get an our website? Create professional or modular Web design part 1 website? Today is no matter what size his firm has simply impossible to imagine without existing a Web page on the World Wide Web, for an entrepreneur. It has no Web site, you should pick up absolutely one. Why? You can probably even answer is the answer. Again, how many times you think about a company or maybe Googling a doctor, because you want to have just the phone number not at hand, or do you know whether your hairdresser now take a lunch break, or you can quickly get new hairstyle at 13: 00. You’re looking for has now no Web page, you can either search long after your entry in any directory, whether the company hiding out there somewhere, or go elsewhere just to namely to where you get information on the Internet. Conclusion: You are a business owner and know how to make money, you also have a Web page.
For the event. You have now but still no Web page, but decide to present your company in the Internet, will emerge quickly when searching for a solution the question: cost save and even tinker or spend money and leave the matter to a professional, the so-called Web Designer? The advantages of a self-made homepage are small. Although no costs in the production but by an own creation most visitors stay, since many systems obsolete Web standards based on important factors such as the value of recognition (CI = corporate identity), usability (ease of use = clear structures) and USP (unique selling proposition = unique selling proposition) is missing. To comply with these factors is impossible in most modular systems and if they do, does it usually at least the basic knowledge of html and php. Another drawback to an own creation is the time.