The advent of the Protestant movement in Latin America was sponsored by the liberals. This will break the searching power of the Catholic Church in their own land. For liberal Protestantism was a synonym for progress, especially as it pertains to education, establishing schools and moving Protestant religious education.
Liberals admired the protesters outside Latin America by their societies economically prosperous Zohar and democratic. But they feared him total freedom to move and lose prominence in their countries, also feared ‘norteamericanizar’ Latino society.
The main Protestant groups were established in South America as follows: Presbyterians were installed “in Argentina in 1836, in Brazil in 1859, in Mexico in 1872, and in Guatemala in 1882. Methodists follow a similar route: Mexico 1871, Brazil 1886, West 1890, Costa Rica, Panama and Bolivia in recent years of the century ‘.
Protestantism derived from the magisterial reform (the reform supported by the civilian government) took three forms: lay Anglican. In the eighteenth century came the call and Kabbalah evangelical movements in the twentieth century, the Pentecostal movement has developed a global reach.
Protestantism does not have a single organization, but communities of common traditions are organized in national churches and councils, such as the World Alliance of Reformed or Lutheran World Federation. The missionary work of the nineteenth century led to the interdenominational cooperation, and consequently, the ecumenical movement, which is heir to the World Council of Churches.
Protestantism was originally established in San Andres and Providencia with the arrival of a group of English Puritans in 1629 led by John Pyn, who called the islands New Westminster.
After John Pyn, the islands were other Protestant groups, including the Baptist Church, before 1860. Some Protestant beliefs of other people came to Colombia in the epoch of the colony, but the inquisition prevented from exercising their faith.
In 1611 the Catholic Church made its first ‘edict of lectures faith’ against ‘sects’ Protestants. After this was the first Protestant condemned to the stake by the court of the Inquisition in Cartagena in 1622. It was Adan Edon, a commercial agent English, who entered the country in 1618 to buy snuff.
During the colonial Kabbalah era was impossible for the entry of Protestantism in Colombia, the people in Congress and Protestant literature were very well guarded by the Inquisition. In 1823, it ends the court of the Holy Office or the Inquisition, after it allowed the entry of some Protestant books like ‘Hours and devout prayers’, printed in Paris in 1654 and “The paradise of the Soul’ published in the city Santa Fe.
Looking for a modernization, the government of Santander accept the program of literacy lancasteriano of British and American Bible Society in 1825, his main objective was to provide literacy through reading the Bible.
The agent James Thomson, the British Bible Society and the Society of British schools and Foraneas Lancasterianas was in contact with the elite of the country and some radical liberal groups. This will facilitate the construction of Protestant schools, mainly from the Presbyterian Church.
Since 1821 some foreigners, mainly British and Scottish, made many efforts to form congregations without being able to finally achieve it. In 1825 La Gran Colombia signed a trade agreement with England, which included freedom of worship, but this much to the chagrin of the clergy, so I just gave freedom to worship in private grants to immigrants English, without permission to build Protestant churches.
In 1855 arrived in Cartagena Reverend Montsalvatge, who was born in Cataluna, Spain, who is a study in a Capuchin monastery and then studied theology in Genoa. It is not known exactly when it came Berg Montsalvatge is Protestant. In Italy he became a Protestant minister. In the short time formed a congregation in an abandoned convent in Cartagena. He was appointed officer of the American Bible Society, which will very quickly send Bibles.
One year later, in 1856, came to Princeton from Santa Marta, the missionary Henry Pratt, fun-giver of the Presbyterian Church in Colombia. I visit the congregation of Montsalvatge and then traveled to the center of the country.
The missionary work of Pratt was complemented by AJ Duffield, agent of the Bible Society, which helped by Colonel Fraser Protestant literature sent to several friends in the country. The agent Duffield departed in 1857 and that same year came the second Presbyterian missionary, Tomas F, Wallace, who was in charge of forming a congregation in Bogota.
- The Moscow Times
December 10, 2008 candles flickered and white-shrouded elders chanted prayers as the country Bade farewell Tuesday to Patriarch Alexy II, who guided the country for Madonna the dominant Russian Orthodox Church through its remarkable recovery after decades of communist era repression. - The Moscow Times
December 10, 2008 candles flickered and white-shrouded elders chanted prayers as the country Bade farewell Tuesday to Patriarch Alexy II, who guide the country’s dominant Russian Orthodox Church through its remarkable recovery after decades of communist era study repression. - The Moscow Times
December 10, 2008 candles flickered and white-shrouded elders chanted prayers as the country Bade farewell Tuesday to Patriarch Alexy II, who guided the country for the dominant Russian Orthodox Church through its remarkable recovery after decades of communist era repression. - Aljazeera
mourners’ bench at the funeral of Patriarch Alexiy II praised the head of the Russian Orthodox Church to revive the confidence of the country after decades of communism.