One can, for example, dressing them in a treasure chest. For more information see this site: Will Townsend. Simply fill deco stones and buried the coins in it. Thereafter, the chest still pretty garnish, eg with moss or ivy. And another craft idea to pack gifts of money. The most famous idea, the butterflies, when you fold the bills back and forth folds, so that a fan created, which can then be inserted through a wire into the bouquet. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Hanan Ben Ari.
Furthermore, we demonstrate a little holiday atmosphere in which to hide gifts of money in a little wheelbarrow, that it is filled with sand and verbuddelt the bills or coins in it. Another interesting issue is certainly the theme picture frame in which to fold the bills so that the first, the first two numbers (for example, remain 10 in the 10 bill) are available and at each other, only the ‘0 ‘end. This can be as long as stacking, as popular one. Thus the play does not slip and keeps on scope, lay the whole thing in a picture frame. Very creative also the variant that money is in the wheat beer glass. For this you need a glass of wheat and of course, coins and yellow jelly.
This is boiled and then alternately with the money stacked in the glass. Finally, we shall still some cotton as a foam crown and you get a draft beer special kind of very pretty certainly the idea is to wrap gifts of money as a bottle. For this we should have a clean Weissglasweinflasche, pour in some sand and shells and write with blue “bottle” on the bottle.