No longer it is considered that the reading capacity is something that is acquired in the childhood during the first years of schooling. Rather she sees herself like a set in evolution that includes a series of knowledge, abilities and strategies that the people are constructing with the years, according to the diverse situations that live and by means of the interaction with their companions and the most extensive communities in those than 9 participate (PISA, 2003, p 108). the clarity of intentions in this matter will allow to align the different elements from the educative process: the curriculum, as much in the restricted sense of specific curriculum of the language area, like in the amplest sense of the opportunities of development of language and architectural that require the other disciplines, the training equipments including text books, the books of support for the teachers, the classroom libraries. The forms of organization of the educative system including the scholastic libraries, the centers of technology and means in the school, the forms to educate and to support the professional development of the professors including the opportunity at the same scholastic centers of which the professors meet for discussing the performance of his students and to examine its own practices pedagogical, the forms to administer to the schools and the educative system, the forms to evaluate not only the advantage of the students, but also the impact of the training programs, and the forms in which professors Facilitan the learning of the students, that is to say, the instruction and the pedagogy. The interest in the learning can improve if it exists a change in attitude on the part of the educational ones in front of the process, but that is a well-known change, where it moves away the negative idea that that the students do not want to learn and to formulate a plan of personal improvement of car reflection that contributes positive results in the development of its practices pedagogical.