He is agenda item of number one in each meeting. Its stakeholders is CCO (Chief Customer Officer) and he sits mandatory in the Executive Board”, recommends the management consultant and author of the book customer proximity published just in the Executive Suite ‘. She propagated is a customer-focused company and employee management. Speaking candidly Xcel Energy told us the story. The related goal is: loyalty leadership. Only loyal customers and active referrers, Roman Becker, initiator of the annual ExBa study and Director of the Forum completed market research, secured permanently a company’s future. Close to the customer in the Executive Suite ‘ is the eight-time textbook author Anne M.
Schuller customers uncompromisingly in the focus of all business activities. Like the new ‘ paradoxical customer is ticking, as managers become people shipping posts, what framework allow a company-wide focus on customers and as finally a high employee and customer loyalty can be reached: the book gives the answers. Easy to read and it shows step by step how a customer-oriented management and a customer-focused practical Leadership can be implemented in concrete terms. To do so, the author provides a rich Toolbox with immediately actionable measures executives. Numerous checklists and practical examples complete the publication. A must have ‘ on the desktop all those your company want to make suitable for future use. Further information: contact Anne M.
Schuller marketing consulting hard Hauser str. 54 81545 Munchen Office 0049 (0) 89 6423208 mobile 0049 (0) 172 8319612 E-Mail: Web: the book titled Anne M. Schuller customer proximity in the Executive Suite as you kundenfokussiert employees lead to Orell Fussli, Zurich 2008, 26.50 Euro / 44.00 CHF 255 pages, ISBN: 978-3-280-05282-2 the author Anne M. Schuller is a management consultant and considered to be the leading expert for loyalty marketing. For 20 years she has worked in senior sales and marketing positions of various international service company and number of awards receive. The diploma in business administration and eight-time book author is one of the best business speakers in the German-speaking world. She works as consultant and trainer and has taught at several universities. The elite of the business is among its clientele. The forum! Marktforschung GmbH the Mainz market research company forum! is specialized in the analysis and optimization of business relationship management. Typical studies, the forum! cross-industry performs, analyses are emotional customer retention and employee motivation, satisfaction and image analysis, competitive analysis, target group analyses, customer, members – and employee surveys. Forum! initiated barometer and the Germany-wide competition of Germany of customer champions”the year newly created benchmark study excellence.