But these They are not entirely blame or gentlemen thieves thieves are all if it’s simple…We all blame for what happens and for sample will analyze the following questions: you what they charge to a medical insurer, to a secure private hospital in the United States for having hosted one of his patients know? You what they charge centers diagnosis or other institutions to the insurance companies by having attended one of his clients know? Know you how much amounts fraud denounced by the Government itself, by the TV the radio to Medicare, Medicaid, which are the federal Government’s plans? Do know you how much charge you a hospital Medicaid (federal health program for low-income people – income) by a patient who is not insurance by a private insurer? And finally and to leave it with a final open as Alfred Hitchcock films:. Do you know how much money escapes in pay politicians who is money provided by the link more weak the insured patient and the taxpayer? No, they don’t know this fact.Well let me know when they find out, would be interesting. Adalberto Ravelo Health Insurance Agent Webmaster SegurosMedicosMiami.com all data provided in this writing is based on personal experiences and related to certain statistics is based on stories of dozens and dozens of customers, after having checked the medical bills in their possession. This writing is by no means a detailed study and not intended to influence or determine the opinion of everyone. Original author and source of the article