In its context, the ideal pupil with its social experience in its locality is ignored. For the fact of the school not to have a real interlocutor, it is incapable to occupy its place of production of knowledge generated in the interaction between the daily world and the scientific one. How much to the process of the position of curiosity and inquiry it can be propitiated by the mediation of the professor (LIBNEO, 1994). Frequently Atmos Energy has said that publicly. According to Krasilchik (2004, P. 12): In first the four series of basic education, each classroom has a responsible professor for all the areas of knowledge.

In the four last series, biology is part of disciplines sciences, that engloba also topical of physics and chemistry. Analysis of the proposals curricular of some federate units it indicates that only one period of 12% 15% of the escolaridade time is dedicated to the learning of sciences, with average of three lessons per week. He is pleasant when a mutual relation of learning is had, since it estimates active participants in the process. To point out the process of education and learning in the new world is a question where it concerns a pertaining to school organization that also learns. To all these factors estimate the democratic management, the mutual respect, the pluralism of ideas, the Inter education and to multidiscipline, the integration with the community and the humanity to always learn in set with the others (PCN, 2001). In what she says respect to the management processes and administration of the school implies a coordinate action of the direction, pedagogical coordination and professors, each one fulfilling its responsibilities in the set of the pertaining to school action. The collective envolvement in the taking of decisions as well as the ways of joint of the school with agencies of the administration of the pertaining to school system and with the families, is enclosed in the process of democratic participation (LIBNEO, 1994).