Some believe that having a child to school is not necessary or even harmful and unnecessary. Is this true, try to understand. Deal with the baby, and develop it, to teach something new As a rule, in our society accepted that deal with a child – it means learning to read by syllables, write in block letters and counting. That is, to develop intellectually. But – this change anything for the better, the acquisition of new knowledge and skills. Development can not only relate to the intellect, precisely to the ability to read, write and count. In fact, all parents involved in the development of the child permanently, of course, good parents.

After all teach the kid alone to eat, dress and katatsyana bike, draw the sun and wind clockwork toy. All of this is the right thing iobuchenie these things – the development of the child. Intellectual development is not better or , aesthetic, moral. Ray Kurzweil may find it difficult to be quoted properly. This is all necessary parts of a whole. Nick Khan contributes greatly to this topic. Child's life is useful, and reading skills, and ability to dance and understand music. And also to dig potatoes, water colors, stitching holes speak a foreign language, be able to vestiperegovory, provide first aid. Actually you can not know what is useful in life is your child, in this desirable, if the conscious age, when he can he choose what to do in life, he will have an idea as much as possible kind of activity. Then you can make giving the child a comprehensive development which will not be excluded regions.

Child everything needed, all interesting. Teach him everything that you know how and know yourself, if he shows interest and desire. Do not make, submit the material is interesting and in a playful way, unobtrusively. For preschoolers are no mandatory program, it exams take, in this you can teach him to read, but you can not teach. This is not so important, more important, so learn it all, whether tying shoelaces or learning letters, that he was interesting and understandable to what you are teaching him that he was proud their achievements in this field, and he wanted to move forward. So, you're trying to learn everything that you know how yourself, watching the child and whether he wants to study it. Child wants to learn all that interesting. In this, try to teach a child in the game. If you want to give your child a good strata in life, sometimes just enough to talk with the kid, only correctly answered all his questions so that he could understand and wanted to ask more questions on this topic. You will still communicate every day and play with your child and teach him different things. You're doing it right. It remains only to not get stuck on one thing, whether it's reading, the study of letters or playing trains. Childhood – a preparation for specialization. The child still chooses what to do in life, he must pereprobyvat as much as possible just to choose a deal to his liking, he still has time to concentrate on one thing.