Connections of Al Qaeda began when He traveled to Abdullah Sungkar afgani rules and met with Osama bin Laden sometime in 1993-1994. In the coming years, the two organizations which are engaged in a series of activities that have benefited both of them. Key benefits for joint implementation is access to Al Qaeda’s training services, financial support, and the ability to plan and carry out joint operations, which increased their operating knowledge. JI have also requested approval of their plans of leaders of Al Qaeda, an action that caused both technical advice and a sense of legitimacy for companies. Some analysts believe that organizational learning and more tangible benefits than joint implementation of these relationships acquired occurred at the price of being slowly co-opted for supporting Al Qaeda in its agenda global jihadist in ways that are similar to the relationship of Al Qaeda with several other local terrorist groups before 9 / 11. As a minimum, Jl became a subsidiary of Al-Qaida through joint activities that benefit both organizations. These ties were driven by a strong doctrinal compatibility between the two groups.
In the years before the 9 / 11 attacks that senior leaders have benefited from people having like Hambali and Abu Jibril, who had acquired experience in Afghanistan, within the J1. These leaders share with Al-Qaida the idea to carry out Jihad against Western interests, in particular the United States, sooner rather than later.