They seem to lack social politics and you provide necessary for its stability. The action of to age is part of the biological cycle of the life, constitutes a set of modifications in the functional structure of the human body taking the individual to a systematic succession acting only in one alone direction, that is, the organic desestruturao. It is a continuation that surrounds genetic, determinative inheritances hereditary as the destruction of the environment, the age of the individual, type of feeding, workstation and habits of life. Beyond these aggravations, exist other conditions given the social context where the individual belongs affecting its health and its life. The process to take care of of the elderly in family is subordinated to the incorporation of the linkings stops with the proper family, to be able to make use of the proper goods, at any point or different situations perhaps even in the proper way of if relating with the aged one.
To take care of of aged in the context of the family is presumed changeable partner-demographic. One knows that the society passes for metamorphosis in its forms of disposal weighed in the familiar organization, because where the family contemporary restricts each time more the woman, husband and children, even excluding any kinship. who suffers is the aged one that it is felt dismissed of good substances and the affection of the family. Oliveira declares that in the proper social context in which the aged one is victim of discriminations, it she also passes if to feel acuado e, as consequence, loses the initiative and motivation. Valley to stand out that the main subject that involves the Statute of the Aged one is the protection to the individual in its process of aging, the support and the assistance. The articles of the Statute of the Aged one inform and guide on all the familiar duties, of the government, the institutions and each person for attention to the support and the cares of the aged one.