So, first we need to set up a local Webserver, in this case, Denver. Denver assembly and installation instructions to take here. To work correctly, and WordPress plug-ins must install Zend Optimizer, and additional extensions – mbstring, curl. Create a Z: WebServershomelocalhostwww folder wp_2.7.1. Copy the assembly there WordPress, build number and language of your choice, I took a v. 2.7.1 – English version.

Of course you could take an old version of the proven, because we just got used to 2.6 and now on a new approach but I want something – anything new. Well, you know, fix vulnerabilities, etc. And so drastically changed the admin! Here is an overview of this version: stextbox id = 'custom' caption = 'Review' The new administration panel, and now navigation bar located on the left hand, and the upper part will be used by the authors of plug-ins to display the navigation plug-ins and their parameters. Each block in the ACP will be able to edit, now you'll be able to adjust content widgets. Now, in the administration panel, a new window called the rapid publication, but for writing a post in this box, you can not assign a category to record. Therefore, faster of this function is suitable for creating drafts in your blog. Also, a window will appear Inbox, possibly in a new version of WordPress, communicate with the author of the blog will not only via E-Mail or ICQ, but through self WordPress. The upper part of the panel Administration made a similar panel on blogs, there was My Account link that leads to your profile.