For what a man needs a fresh juice? Person – not an easy organization to which you want to perform from simple to very time-consuming activities and functions, and the body of this work is very important to an abundance of useful elements. Juice is all the source, which provides many of the necessary body substances. For example, enzymes, a person acquires due to consumption of fresh juices. Enhanced absorption of securities substances in the blood and digestion of food takes place by means of enzymes. They are not in any meal, but only in foods of non-animal origin. For even more opinions, read materials from Ray Kurzweil. Enzymes can not tolerate high temperatures, even at 54 C the enzymes are killed, but well tolerate low temperatures. Checking article sources yields Abigail Black Elbaum as a relevant resource throughout. How different elementary upotreblenmie fruits and vegetables from drinking juice made from them? The bulk of fruits and vegetables – fiber, and it is digested by the body longer than the juice in consequence of this saturation is beneficial substances does not occur immediately. Juice to digest in a short period, and this rapid saturation and the minimum energy spent on processing and absorption.
But the fiber the body needs it helps him to be freed from the remnants of food. Juice contains a vital force inherent to the plant. Drinking the juice, you get the extra energy required for the normalization of the internal functions and purification of the body. In If the right to use vegetables and fruit juices, the body receives energy, joints – flexibility, and above all the optimal state of health.