Web 2.0 – the word with which we so often see on various pages of the Web. What does it mean? This article will try to give definition to this term. Why do we need to understand the intricacies of these? Let these unintelligible words versed professionals and developers of sites. But, oddly enough, at this stage to develop a network of sites by developers and we are a part – ordinary users. Now, the creation of websites – it is difficult and a lot of effort and money the process, which involves not only neposredsvennye developers and users. Already at the stage of development of the concept of the Internet project is important to know the current trends of contemporary Internet technologies.
With the concepts of Web 1.0, Web 2.0, Web 3.0 and Web 4.0 even attempt to give an overview of the stages of development of the Internet. In this article, to explain the concepts we use the definition of the W3C Director Tim Berners-Lee (Tim Berners-Lee) concept reading and writing on the Internet. Web 1.0 – 'Internet for reading. " At this stage, the Internet allowed us to search for information and to read it. The content Internet sites formed small group of professionals. Most users online Interenet are simple 'readers'. Currently, at the end of the second decade of development of the Internet network, we are in the stage of Web 2.0 – the stage of 'read-write'. The creation of content sites are actively engaged in all users network, which can also communicate with each other through Internet technology.
Mnogoie often mean by 'Web 2.0 application' site, which is built using certain technologies (such as Ruby on Rails), or because he uses Ajax in the interface. It is not. Basis of Web 2.0 – the users themselves can vzaimodeystovat with each other and share their information. The third decade of the Internet network, or Web 3.0, is already a stage 'read-write-execute "or Semantic Web (Semantic Web). Semantic Web (Semantic Web) – part of a global concept for the development of the Internet, aimed at realization of the possibility of machine processing of information available on the World Wide Web. Main emphasis is placed on the concept of the metadata that uniquely characterize the properties and content of the resources of the World Wide Web, instead of the current text analysis of documents "(Wikipedia). Semantic Web represents the communication between the Internet user (the person) and computerized programs. One of the biggest organizational challenges of information on the Internet is that web applications are not in able to provide a context for the data and, therefore, can not figure out what is relevant, and what is not. With the help of a semantic markup or data exchange formats, data can be placed in forms not only with help available to people of a natural language, but also can be well understood and interpreted by software applications. The term 'performance' we mean, and formatting data understanding of software agents, web-based services. In the end it must be said, if your site uses features of the concept of Web 2.0, it does not make it obsolete. It is important that the site posed to satisfy his goals. But not stop there, follow the latest trends, otherwise your project may be uninteresting to the modern internet-user!