At the turn of the summer vacation, I note that there are ads that spread the idea that they have caught more pounds, and it is appropriate to remove them, of course based on attendance at more or less miraculous facilities, where the fees for paying in advance We are going to put online. I have heard conversations between some friends who have decided, surely inspired by the propaganda push the subliminal messages, to put on a drastically, in order to regain its lost slenderness coup gargantuan summer meals, barbecues and other exquisite splendor .Kegel exercises were designed initially as a process for controlling urinary incontinence in women after childbirth. Today it is recommended that women who urinary incontinence by stress, the man who suffers from urinary incontinence after prostate surgery and people suffering from fecal incontinence. The purpose of conducting the exercises is to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic area and improve the function of the urethral sphincter and rectum. The success of depends on the proper practices of the technique and a disciplinary compliance with the exercise program.
Some people do not easily locate the pelvic muscles. We have to practice regularly to learn how to make the appropriate muscles.
One of the methods is based on sitting on the toilet and start to urinate. You have to try to retain the flow of urine contracting the pelvic floor muscles. Playing several times a person can get to know the correct group of muscles that makes the contraction. They should not shrink the muscles of the abdomen, hips or buttocks while you exercise.
The practice of the interruption of the jet of urine, should only be used to locate the muscles and not as exercises and alters the reflection of normal urination and may lead to an alteration of this mechanism or leave residue from urine in the bladder to the end of urination .
If you learn to do the exercises prior to dilate her vagina, you may notice that the dilation is easier. This happens because he knows when pelvic muscles are tense and when relaxed. Before you insert your finger or any object into her vagina, you should relax your muscles tense-. You will know which are the muscles, and assured him that they are relaxed. Once you can enter your fingertip into the vagina and can practice to tighten the muscles. Noticing that it is easier to move the finger muscles relaxed.
Another method for identifying the muscles is to insert a finger into the rectum (for can strengthen these muscles is by using a vaginal cone (with weight device that is inserted into the vagina). Once inside should try to keep the muscles from shrinking device pelvic floor.
A significant percentage (more than 40%) of patients unable to correctly identify the pelvic floor muscles and instead of contracting bid many times, I could even aggravate a problem of prolapse or incontinence.
Those that are not safe to be doing well, they can use biofeedback (a method of positive reinforcement) and electrical stimulation to identify the group of muscles to work. Electrodes are placed in the abdomen and along the anal area. Some experts put a sensor in the year (for men) or in the vagina for monitoring the contraction of muscles . On the monitor can be seen by a graphic which are the muscles that contract and those who are at rest. The specialist can help identify the correct muscles for the execution of the Kegel exercises.
Electrical stimulation is performed using low voltage electric current that stimulates the correct group of muscles. The current is applied using a vaginal or anal probe. This therapy can be done in a specialized center or at home. Sessions are 20 minutes long and take place every 1 or 4 days. According to studies, have proved promising for treating incontinence in the mood.
The technique behavioral habits or control of liquid intake and urination, proper orientation in sport in order not to aggravate the problems are also important part of treatment.
This set of techniques known as reeduacion Pelviperineal or pelvic floor and must be implemented by a physical therapist or specialist Kinesi