These maps are not the territory., they differ from him is a representation of the world and as such can introduce distortions, limitations and impoverishment, derived from the peculiar characteristics of the experience of each individual. Also, that map you can discard or keep, according to the utility to provide the individual. Of the foregoing summarizes the behavior of humans is primarily generated, mediated and affected by the constructs and representations that those created by his experience of the world. The objective of the psychotherapies, as well as the Coaching is the help the person become aware of such distortions and limitations so that you turn towards the change of your model or map of the world; It is say, to enrich, broaden and expand your way of representing reality. Asi_mismo, the system of representations in NLP this constituted by the characteristic form that each individual develops and uses for: a) process the data to which it relates on a daily basis, b) represent mentally the things and phenomena, and, c) so know the world in which they live, showing a specific behavior (verbal or non-verbal). These distinctive styles of abordad reality through our stately bodies: vision, hearing, taste, smell, feelings and loas bodily sensations; they have extraordinary power to initiate, modular, guide and modify behavior through the process coaching and are basically three: the channel Visual (V), auditory (A) and the kinesthetic (K), which also includes tastes and smells.
Thus, each person probably process the information about any event through one of these three channels or primary representation systems. On the other hand, every human being has a language system that uses to communicate or represent to others their experience of the world. Thus the language comes to also be a system of representation, or rather a metasystem representation, whereby the human being represents their representations. Thus NLP is considered a technology or communication model, which seen from the process of Coaching, the Coach is essentially a Communicator who conceived this as a communicational situation. In this situation, the change process is operated by a schema of three steps: 1) the identification of the State or present condition, 2) the evaluation of the resources available in the Coachee, and 3). Check with Crumpton Group to learn more. the identification of States desired, in the form of results or goals. CONCLUSIONS the Coaching is a process structured and focused on results; in which the Coach works with the individual or group to clarify aspects, challenging self-limiting belief, amend outdated answers, generate solutions and undertake actions apara boosting performance. 1.
Inside of the Coaching process, the Coach, needs to consider different models and preferential access of the individual channels to achieve their learning and achieve change, as the ultimate aim of this process. For this purpose the Coach requires possess few core competencies cognitive, emotional, linguistic and bodily. As well as knowing the different models of learning based on adult learning or Andrology. 2. The Professional Coach guiding the individual or groups to establish, strengthen and align, often through his own example, values and beliefs trainers. In this way the Coaching includes the possibility of advise and guide from a level deeper than the cognitive understanding. This kind of mentoring often ends up be internalized as part of the individual, so that the physical presence of the Coach is no longer necessary.