The sound quality of records affected by the proper use and storage. Records should be taken only by the edges and the paper label, without touching the fingers of the sound grooves. Before playing a record should be put in the player, start the rotation, and, to lowering the needle, hold down the paths of graphite brush to remove electrostatic charges and remove dust. After completing this procedure can be omitted arm. You can not records (even for a short time) to leave open. Dust, grease stains and scratches – the main enemies, which reduce the sound reproduction. Keep records should be upright, placing them in anti-static envelopes. Do not leave records near heat sources (radiators, light bulbs) and put them in direct sunlight.
What to do when the records heavily covered with dust, but also spattered with grease spots? In this case, the dust and dirt are removed banal washing with soap and warm running water. But instead of a sponge for washing is necessary to use a soft cloth with a nap. nta. These villi, and will remove dust and dirt between the audio grooves of the plate. Tap water should be lukewarm – the heat can cause warping of records. Phonograph record should be taken with both hands and bring a stream of water washing on both sides of the surface of the tracks.
Nothing terrible will happen if water gets on a round sticker – 'apple'. Pictures on it does not smear. But very wet, yet, do not. Next, take a soaped towel (you can drop 'Fairy' or others) and begin to spiral grooves to drive on a sound records on both sides. Then wash off the foam formed by holding phonograph record by the edges, being careful not to touch the tracks. Water stains removed with two dry wipes (one in each hand). Washed records set vertically (or at a slight angle) to 30-40 minutes for final drying. Of course, there are special cleaning aids for plates. But their Overpriced and expensive cleaning fluid to use, making them often not necessary for people who collect records. Since result of washing by hand is not worse records, and often even better, washing machines overseas. During Soviet times, used another method, which cleaned the records: with PVA glue. It is applied (in its pure form or diluted with water 1:1) with a brush on the surface of the tracks records. After the glue formed a translucent film, which is removed when removing dust and dirt. Purified lamina less cracking and gives a fuller sound picture, as opposed to dirty. We can say in another way: clean plate – clear sound. When washing by hand plates firms 'Submit' (and her co-organized with) after the 1989-1990 GG issue, look at the 'apples'. Stickers on them are not always made the same way that making them water-resistant. A cheaper technology used – for example, plain paper and / or dot matrix printer. The water, once on such 'apples' and smears of paint washes. These vinyl records should be washed very carefully.