Requirements to guarantee the stability of the system, the government will raise the requirement of capital in ownership of all the financial institutions. Deep the speculative ones, that runs away to the control of the authorities, will have that to register itself in a regulating agency. Also norms for the operation will be edited that consists of transforming financial assets into headings. This operation partially was made responsible by the gone off one of the home loans of risk that had provoked the current crisis. The classification agencies, defendant me the evaluation of the inherent risks to these operations, also will be supervised.
the reform will have to give to the government half to allow to a soft desmantelamento that the banks and institutions that to act in the market of securitizao of debts will have to be with at least 5% of these papers. The securitizao occurs when debits of third, as real estate financings, are ‘ ‘ embalados’ ‘ in new products and vendidos in the market the investors. Click kevin ulrich to learn more. The central idea is that the banks assume a parcel of the risk of these operations, taking them it to be more conservatives. Good part of the current crisis is taken root in this market. The real estate debts ‘ ‘ subprimes’ ‘ (of borrowers without good description of credit) they had been ‘ ‘ empacotadas’ ‘ in financial and vendidas products around of the world. The remuneration of these papers was, in part, the installment that the borrower paid. They are these headings that if they had transformed into ‘ ‘ asset txicos’ ‘ that today the wallets of credit of the banks entopem.
As the prices of the property in U.S.A. they follow in fall and borrowers had left to pay its debts, these assets remain each time more ‘ ‘ txicos’ ‘. He was in great measure on account of these papers (almost without value today) that the government of U.S.A.