Nor always the implantation to coclear of the 100% of results ace times of 2%, leaving only sound residues that affect the nervous system of the child, nor always the child who receives the implantation and a good falante, so that this occurs is necessary all a stage of laborious and slow learning. According to Santana, Ana Paula (2007) the technological advances related prtese auditory has allowed a considerable profit of hearing. The belief in the miraculosa action of prtese auditory and the implantation to coclear makes some parents to forget even though that its children continue deaf. It would be a nonsense to find that its children if had become listeners, because it does not know itself what this hearing and as this hearing, and to learn the language verbal it is necessary complex and continuous elements, what it makes it difficult the deaf person to be proficient in this language, being necessary in such a way to work a word in signal as in verbal language. The deaf child after the implantation that continues or acquires the bilingismo has a facilitador and mediator for structure space verbal base-appearance and. If the concern is that the child finds a more easy way and cmoda of if communicating, is important to make a sounding how much the receptividade and reciprocity that this child this having and not to lose of sight the main objective who is the good to star of the child and not of the forms standards of the society that it is inserted. The inclusion did not come to adjust the child in flexible a estigmatizada and idealistic society and yes so that this society without shapes and either the necessities of its citizens.