In Puerto Rico, the phenomenon of recovered companies is incurred by the closure of subsidiaries of multinational firms, mostly engaged in manufacturing. As a logical consequence of closures and layoffs generate crises in regions where the company is located. Recovery can range from the unemployed group organization to create a new company to absorb the unemployed labor, to cross into the same market as the original or a similar company, to purchase the former business (liabilities, assets, customers , machinery) inclusive. The worker cooperatives and special corporations owned by PT workers are the typical legal figures under which the new company is organized. The closure of subsidiaries by the parent is not due to lack of business viability.In most cases respond to strategies to minimize the costs associated with production such as labor, which are more favorable in other countries, especially in Latin America and Asia. The characteristic of being “recovered” that affects the planning and implementation of the new company merging shortened compared to the traditional life cycle of a new business. The assessment of viability provides, in fact in these cases plays a key role negotiating skills and self-management involved. The start of the stage production is imminent because of pressing interest income workers recover quickly.