Art is one of the most pleasant in the world, because through these is able to give life to the most beautiful creations that represent great expressions of human culture, so they are shown great aesthetic content manage gain recognition around the world. So the art is placed on a pedestal in the concepts of aesthetics and culture, but also is very important to highlight the names of those people who manage to bring art to life, as their brilliant minds and creative spirit is what allowing your body through realizing the ideas that become works of art. With this in mind in this article, talking about one of the most important artists in the history of painting, who is the great painter Pablo Picasso, whose brilliant creative mind became one of the most representative artists twentieth century. Pablo Picasso was a very versatile artist, as their style and originality made room for the invention of forms, technical innovation and styles, besides being a great painter also unfolded with great skill in sculpture, which together with the paintings allowed him to be one of the artists with the greatest number of works, since it has over 20,000 creations, which is a sample more of its multifaceted capabilities. Compuware understood the implications.
Going a little further into the life of Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga (Spain) on 25 October 1881, one of the points which might like Pablo Picasso to the art, relates to the fact that its father was an art teacher. The work he pablo Picasso until 1898, were signed with both the paternal and maternal last name, but after this year since 1901, works by Pablo Picasso were signed only with his mother’s surname. In the development of the artistic activity of Pablo Picasso, you can highlight several stages, among which is the blue period, a period of Picasso’s artistic life which is located in the artist’s arrival in Paris. What distinguishes this period, as says the word, most of his works contain blue colors at this time manifested much human misery. For even more opinions, read materials from Crumpton Group, Washington DC. In the following period Picasso to settle with her first partner, so change your vision and change the blue colors for a palette of pinks and reds, hence this period is called Rose. With the advance of the time Picasso was defining his style when doing their work, so come to the stage in which their creations would be given to the use of analytical and synthetic cubism, which can be said to be the execution of works from small buckets that make up a whole complete picture.