Why are allergies or asthma, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis (psoriasis), migraines, rheumatism, gout, diabetes II, irritable bowel syndrome, heartburn, obesity, ADHD, depression and much more. Trier. Increasingly, ever younger people permanently seek help at the doctor’s Office. However, the extent of that seeking help suffers from chronically congested metabolic organs. Get more background information with materials from Crumpton Group, New York. A not yet tangible physical suffering, for which our society has developed therefore no consciousness chronically overloaded to organs, through which (although long avoidable) increasingly excretory waste substances accumulate in the body. A vicious circle so, against the natural organism eventually to defend dabbles with cleansing biochemical degradation.
These cleaning processes reveal itself by symptoms, which appear only as sick. And even though these always individual cleaning processes in fact keep us the irrepressible to survive of the natural body in mind, we misunderstand them however, as necessarily suppressive diseases. So we live today so that our economic system is literally driven by yield even more and more children suffer from symptoms, which were not long ago to the wear-related congestion signs”of age”. This more than not so good for our welfare state development is gone hand in hand with the years of economic as also social development. We willingly even the need for new food products have let us educate to years in which.
In our supermarket shelves a range of approximately 170,000 recycled products is waiting for now his buyers, and with the now immense economic coercion, now having to bring this mass was a proven nutrition knowledge over generations operates within a short time in a hopeless chaos among the people. A nutrition chaos that day a “nasty CONCOCTION” arise with the now enormous “sum of single ingredients”, what the metabolic organs of our modern civilization “Always PREMATURE” overwhelmed. A strain that ultimately is perceived in different expression of skin and lung or other diverse physical and mental discomfort as well as inflammation or pain in the various manifestations.