In the Municipality of ITAG i are available virtually all telecommunications services possible, from public phones, via mobile phone networks, wireless broadband networks, browsing centers or cybercafes, IP communications, etc..
The main company cell phone plans in this cell phones sector is EPM Telecommunications, (under its brand UNE), recently separated from its parent company Empresas Publicas de Medellin (EPM) are also present Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Bogota (ETB), TELMEX and Telecom (Telef nica ).
There are three mobile telephone operators all with nationwide coverage with GSM technology, America Movil Comcel, Telef nica Movistar, Tigo and the ETB, EPM and Millicom International Telecommunication Luxembourg. the highest satisfaction rating for cell phones are for Avantel The company also operates in the town offering the service trunking, which is done by means of AT&T cell phones a hybrid cell phone and radio.
The town has a number of television channels open signal, the 3 local channels Telemedellin, Televida and Channel U (which cover the valley of boring), a new cell phone plans regional channel Teleantioquia, and the five national channels: the private Caracol and RCN 2 and 3 public Channel One, and Signal Signal Institutional Colombia. has a number of Companies offer subscription television channels themselves.
The town has a variety of AM and FM stations, both cell phones local and national coverage, most of which are operated by Caracol Radio and RCN Radio, but there are other at&T phones independent broadcasters great harmony, and as Todelar Super.
In ITAG i and the other two major newspapers circulating Antioquia: El Colombiano and El Mundo, both with a long history in the region. Also circulating the newspaper El AT&T Tiempo of national circulation.
- The Argus Leader
Many people are esch wing traditional books in favor of electronic versions, or a reader, such as the lighting or in an audio format to an MP3 player like Apple’s iPod, and experts say the trend will only continue to grow. - The Meridian Star
Verizon has rightIts Network Though I mean something other than your mobile phone. I’m talking cell phone about your life. Your life is on your network. Are the people you know that your influence and whose life you make cell phone plans a difference. - The Glendale News-Press
SOUTHEAST Glendale T-Mobile is the withdrawal of its application to build a cellular antenna on the 500 block of Cumberland Road in response to strong residential opposition, representatives of the company cell phone deals said Thursday night. - Pasadena Weekly
Cell-phone static
New Age Advertising For the Mobile Generation by S.A. Morse (Kindle Edition – Dec 28, 2008) – Kindle Book