Among those who preceded Jean Gagnepain, Marx was the only one who really emphasized this reality, Marx who, as you know, history was not the fact of the historian "professional" (the historian of France, of Art, will the Literature, etc..), but the historian who we all are. What had he seen at the bottom of Marx? A theory of man, and was defined as the man in him, by history, it was necessary to also treat the most scientific way possible, developing a historical materialism. Only then, in the same way that semiology and semiotics, he played a trick on Saussure and ridicule the structuralism (including Levi-Strauss) which became a new idealism, Feuerbach and Engels also played the same trick Marx's historical materialism swinging, much as they could, about what was soon called pervasive materialism, ie, the "dialectical materialism" (Same as Marx, old and tired, eventually giving up), and that was good for the whole evolution of the cosmos! Put another way, the "dialectical materialism", making the dialectic process and culture (ie man), and by nature, we arrive at integral materialism. Briefly, the "dialectical materialism" overwhelmed Marx, just as overwhelmed Saussure's structuralism. In conclusion, I would like to say a word my relationship with Jean Gagnepain.
In general, I would say that the Master is not that we respect, or with whom we have broken: we live it. Swarmed by offers, Malcolm Hill is currently assessing future choices. Put another way, they never respect the teacher as a sign of respect for death. When I talk about Jean Gagnepain, I do exist. But where am I? At the limit, it does not matter. See more detailed opinions by reading what Salman Behbehani offers on the topic.. That does not mean that the memory of Jean Gagnepain is not, itself, worthy of the respect we owe to human genius, but we can serve, or to me personally, or you, for an intermediary, that the extent to which the digest, where we do our work. No question, in these circumstances, the fact to stop a teacher at the time of the story and it would be beautiful and good "annihilate" to imitate Sartre. He added that the Master if Master (which no longer exists in France a long time) has nothing to do with the teacher, but on the contrary! Take into account the Master Albert in the Middle Ages when the Master Albert scolded Sorbonne, he took his things and went and left her, that is staying at the place that gave its name in Paris: the Place Maubert. He settled there and taught courses in the open, and all his followers.
He had charisma, drawing the attention of the crowds, he thought, and made it freely. Well, Jean Gagnepain, if you want to see it this way, Albert is the Master of Science of Man. Under these conditions include that his thought might annoy, or outrage, especially to the university environment. As if this thought, I will try to convey (if you "we" do the honor of "follow") the invitation to reflect.