The great challenge is as we go to be part domundoe as the world goes to be part of the Amaznia (Lcio FlvioPinto) Comoa globalization has generated standardized processes of production and consumption, that, atodo moment, subvertem and/or (depending on the regional context economic) the conventional borders of the current world reatualizam, facilitating eacelerando the reproductive cycle of the capital, transnational companies, to medidaque promote the development of its productive forces, have appropriate existing natural dasriquezas for the quadrants of the globe, neglecting oudinamizando regions in agreement its necessities each ampler time derealizao of profit (MELLO, 2000). Daa reason for which the scholars of the ambient question are innumerable that fazemcrticas forceful and systematic to the capitalist civilization, that reached, over all from the half of century XX, one raised mundialidade level custa of an intense e, in determined cases, irreparable degradation of meioambiente, that it provokes, amongst other things, the deforestation, fauno-florstica aextino, brusque climatic alterations, dosrios assoreamento, desertificao etc. if it must to the standard of living (ecologicamenteinsuportvel, the medium and long run) adopted by the said societies modern. Meirelles Son (2006, P. 157) is emphatical: ‘ ‘ The only true cause for odesaparecimento of the Amaznia is our greed for more bovine meat, for maismadeira, more ouro’ ‘. Deacordo with Meirelles Son (2006, P.
157-8), if was not the search insacivel’ ‘ for the rise of our standard of consumo’ ‘ as well as emoutras parts of the planet inhabits in the consumerism (MEIRELLES SON, 2006). Meirelles Son (2006, P. 158) arrives to say, literally: ‘ ‘ In the sad efrias shelves of the diverse supermarkets we have to our disposal pedaosda Amaznia and of the tropical forests of the planet, in the chicken form, belly of porco picadinhoou; ‘.