Now save the bags fully SAVE! The almost-word insidious infiltrated our shopping habits with each issue. But that’s now. The eternal dream of the bargain already is reality for many online shoppers. Cashback is the magic word and in many households now firmly established: for every purchase they will receive back cash. Like that? It’s simple: iGraal additional advertising channels provides many partner stores.
Sure that the online stores on iGraal can present themselves, rewarded iGraal with every purchase with a Commission from the respective shop. This benefit gives iGraal simply to its customers. After each purchase, your cash bonus treasure packs on your virtual account. The can you refer to at any time (from a total of 30) or pay via PayPal. And it closes the cash cycle. Winner? Definitely on both sides. Because you pay a single penny for this service.
And you have a decisive advantage: more than 400,000 users throughout Europe iGraal before you already tried. But away from the obvious benefit: what is now the subtle difference? What is so new, unique and different from all other cashback and loyalty programmes? 1 easy operation: A smart software package, which, once installed, allows you to recover all partner shops (classified in categories) right off the bat. There is a tool bar that presents itself as a narrow bar or bar in your Web browser and will accompany you when shopping via iGraal. Located on the side of a partner shop, will display the expected remuneration and additional coupons. It turns green then you are logged in and get your bonus, otherwise it is red and she warns of a possible loss. 2. iGraal is on Zack: in addition to the cash bonus there 100e vouchers. Of course daily updated and reviewed. In connection with the cash bonus you achieve a significant saving advantage. 3. everything is 100% free. iGraal waived monthly fees or Annual fees. 4. iGraal can trump up with 650 popular stores: eBay, Otto, TUI, savings bank, Deutsche Post, Dell, Nike, Neckermann, Pixmania,, Rossmann, Tchibo, Allianz24 and and and. And every day new shops are being added. 5. is fair, honest, secure, transparent and shines with an excellent customer service. 6. and for those who are still a practical icing on the cake is missing, here’s a calculation example: you buy a new washing machine worth of 399 over iGraal at neckermann. Neckermann currently offers a cashback by 7% – makes a saving of 27.93! Now a voucher in the amount of 10 would be charged: 37,93! And the highlight will reach you at the end of the year: A unique product search for the lowest price on the Internet a price comparator like no other. But PSST! Anika stroke